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$4 Truly / $4 Jolly Juice / $4 Rosy Cheeks shot
$5 Domestic pints / $4 Irish Lemonade shots
$5 Domestic Pints / $5 Dos Equis / $10 Ginger Locks
App Specials: $10 Pub Pretzels / $10 Cheese Curds / $14 Wings
$4 Domestic Tall Boys / $4 Rails
Live Music with Mixed Up at 9:30PM
$5 Truly wild berry / $5 Sam Winter / $3 Watermelon Shooters
$4 Rails / $5 Tall Boyz / $5 Special shot / $6 Red Bull vodka
$4 Rails / $5 Tall Boys / $6 Vodka Red Bull / $4 Tang Shots
$4 12oz Twisted Teas raspberry or original / $5 Tito’s / $3 Fireball
Live dj at 10pm
$5 Truly / $5 Sun Cruiser / $3 Coors / $3 rails
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